Thoughts on Realism in Movies

I read a rather damning article about the movie “Battleship” the other day and thought to my self, let’s go watch it and see for yourself… which I did. Now some of the criticism in that article was definitely accurate, maybe even all of it, but...

The wonderful world of previz software

Around the end of last year, I got a previz software after looking at some enthusiastic testimonials (Storyboard Quick from Powerproduction Software). There was no trial offered, so I just bought it… Well, what can I say, big mistake. This is/was the last time,...

Movie Watch: Thor

Well, that hammer didn’t fall too far…. Mjolnir indeed… but I disgress. Thor is yet another comic turned into a movie. Once the more fascinating and complicated characters (i.e. Spiderman, Hulk, Batman, X-Men) have been hollywoodized, now we’re...

Drehbücher lesen (und schreiben)

Seit ich angefangen habe, meinem Umfeld zu erzählen, dass ich Filme mache, tauchen plötzlich aus allen Ecken Leute auf, die entweder ein Drehbuch haben, oder die absolute Killer-Idee für einen Film oder einfach nur mitspielen wollen. Ich möchte hier mal auf die...

Movies in 3D

Almost every 7th person on this planet is unable to see proper 3D, at least that is what some scientists came up with during a study. They get sick, disoriented, get headaches or just plain don’t see depth. Still 3D is “da hype” for movies nowadays....